The Prized Musang King of Malaysia

The Prized Musang King of Malaysia

The Distinctive Malaysian Durian

Unlike durians from other countries that are plucked when they are green and using food additives to ripen them, Malaysian durians follow the principle of "the fruit drops when it's ripe".

The durians will ripen and drop naturally, giving them the best sweetness, with smooth and delicate texture, and minimal sulfide odor. It is the leading durian benchmark worldwide.

Nutrition & Health

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Highly Nutritious

Durian is rich with nutrients enough to supplement the energy and nutrition the body needs. It helps to strengthen the body and act as nourishment. It is especially beneficial for patients who recovered from a recent illness and women's postpartum.

Immunity Improvement

Durian contains 7 different essential amino acids, and rich in glutamic acid. Glutamate is an important precursor of nucleic acids, nucleotides, amino sugars, and proteins. It can improve the body’s immunity function and regulate the body’s acid-base balance.

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Promotes Blood Circulation And Dispels Body Coldness

Durian is a heaty fruit. It promotes blood circulation and relieves coldness and menstrual pain, which means it had great health benefits for those with cold body constitution.

Improves Gastrointestinal Motility

Durian is rich in dietary fiber, which can promote bowel movements and treat constipation. But it would be best if you stayed hydrated to maintain the absorption of water.

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Prevents And Treats Hypertension

Durian contains minerals essential to the human body. It's especially rich in potassium and calcium. Potassium is vital for synthesizing protein and metabolizing carbohydrates and moving waste products out of cells, which helps to prevent and treat high blood pressure.

Prevents Cancer

A study shows that durian extract effectively prevents the spread of breast cancer cells. On the other hand, durian extract contains antioxidants, which can neutralize the radicals that cause cell damages or mutations.

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How to Identify A Real Musang King?

Musang King is known as the Rolls Royce of durians. It has a sweet aftertaste, thick flesh and small seed, and the richest durian flavor. Unlike ordinary durian variants, Musang King flesh has a more dazzling golden glow along with its moist and shiny texture, almost to the point of perfection for a fruit.

Interesting Videos About Musang King

Investment in Musang King Durian Trees

The Durian Expert, Mr. @Lim Chin Kheetell you about the planting of a Big Big Musang King,which is bigger than our head!

Malaysian Musang King is good for your health.
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